Saturday, May 3, 2008


Alright, I know I haven't blogged in a long time but now I have my camera cable and Dave brought up the computer a few weeks ago so I don't have an excuse. Except maybe that I worked a total of 98 hours over the last two weeks. Its going to be a great pay check!

John graduated (kind of) from the University of Utah yesterday. It was very exciting for both of us. I was almost in tears the whole time, I am so proud of him. I did get video of him walking and taking his 'diploma' but we were pretty far away and it was really noisy. We did get this picture though.

I cant figure out why it is so small and such low quality. I must have screwed up with something. Luckily there are plenty of you out there who probably got a better one, so you'll have to get it to me.

He has a few more classes to go, but he will be done in the middle of July. Being at the graduation made me want to hurry up and graduate myself. Because I am liking my new job so much I am thinking about asking my boss if there would be advancement opportunity if I had a degree in business. We'll see where that goes.

So, over all things have been going really well. We are working on getting all of our 'stuff' payed off and then moving out of our tiny cube of a living space, we are closer than we ever thought we'd be...this job has been a miracle for us.

Thanks to everyone for all of the support. We wouldn't have made it to this point without you guys!


Lynda/Mom said...

Good for you Danielle!! I'm proud (in a good way) of you both, and yesterday was a lot of fun. Thanks for the post--I sure didn't get good photos, but I think yours is pretty cute. Thanks for putting it up.

Laura Stringham said...

Hooray for Johnny and dinner at Chuck-a-rama.