Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not Tagged. But Pretending.

No, I have not been tagged. But, because I never really have anything to say I decided to just pretend like I have.

10 Years ago...
I was not quite 11. Wow. I am just a pup! I don't think that I could even tell you what I was doing at this age.

5 things on my to-do list today...
1. Survive the day.
2. Do homework.
3. Finish the laundry that I abandoned yesterday.
4. Get Paid!
5. Make my mommies signature freezer jam. Yum, yum.

Snacks I enjoy...
Recently I have started to turn Barron, and my favorite snack of the last few weeks has been green olives. I have always liked them, but never enough to eat them like candy. At least not until now. I also love Swiss Miss hot chocolate, and microwaved hot dogs. (I think that something is wrong with me!) ...ooh! and miso soup from work.

What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire...
I would buy a big house and adopt a bunch of children.

5 Bad habits...
1. I guess that talking in the baby voice is one of my bad habits...animals, babies, things on television all get the baby voice. I can't help it.
2. Watching t.v. I watch t.v while I do my homework and whenever else I can. Jon and Kate plus 8 is my favorite t.v. show.
3. I am very bad at keeping any car clean. I step into a car and all of a sudden there are things being spilled, important papers being scrunched and stepped on with muddy feet, c.d.'s get all scratched up and things go missing. Not to mention the whole wardrobe of mine that you would find.
4. Procrastinating. I don't know what else to say about that.
5. I have the worst memory. Ever! I would say that my bad memory is one of my bad habits.

5 Jobs that I have had...
Nanny/Dog walker/Servant
Swim Instructor
Life Guard
Working for my Dad at the office
Host at Ninja

5 things that people don't know about me...
I hope someday to become like my mother.
I love, love, love brussle sprouts (but don't know how to spell it!)
I can watch movies like a little kid. Just put one on loop and I could watch it probably 2 or 3 times in one day (as long as it is one that I like, of course).
I am fascinated by large flocks of birds. Mesmerized. I couldn't really tell you why, but if you ever want to distract me, point out birds in flight.
Okay, I feel like I have to put a bit of a note on this one. I know that I don't know what it is like to have children, but this is how I feel! I would have some of my own (4-5?), and adopt some more. I would love to have like 8-10 children. I have felt this way since I was about 10.


Leslie said...

Had I known you would be such an eager participant, I totally would have tagged you. Consider yourself tagged retroactively.

Leslie said...

P.S. Does John know about that 10 kids?

Danielle said...

I just told him. He replied: "Consider yourself fortunate if I even think of letting you have half that many." Don't worry, I am not too sad about it. I just think that if the situation presented itself, I would jump on it.

Laura Stringham said...

Ya, I'd have tagged you too! I tagged freaking Brent and Cam! They won't play. GRRRRR.
I didn't know you liked kids so much. You hide it well :)