Monday, August 4, 2008


I had a dentist appointment today. I know its weird, but I actually love going to the dentist and I am seeing a new guy who actually seems to know what he is doing. Good news, only one cavity(much better than having eight)! I know there are people out there who have never had a cavity. I despise you all. My teeth are aparently so soft that the little cavity bugs cant help but chew right through them. This is something that my whole family is cursed with. To my future children, who will probably not like going to the dentist as much as I do-I am so sorry. He also thinks that I am going to need a veneer on one of my front teeth(although it would be 90% for cosmetic reasons), and I need a crown from a previous root canal. This is all good news. I really was expecting more like five cavities and another root canal. I guess my obsessive dental hygene habbits have paid off, and I will continue brushing three times a day(my mouth is so small he politely suggested using a childs toothbrush) and flossing in the morning and at night.

Moving on. I GOT A NEW JOB! And its the one I actually wanted. I interviewed with the company Advanced Lighting Solutions about two weeks ago. It all went really well and I thought for sure I would get the job. I called a week after the interview and they told me that they had filled the position. I was bummed, but then my current employer told me I could stay. I just brushed it off. This morning I got a call while I was hanging out at my parents house waiting for my appointment. It was the company and the want me to start in the morning! I am so thrilled.

The #1 most important thing that I have learned in my first year of marriage is that the Lord has his own time table for me. I get anxious and try to stretch things out longer or hurry and change something quick, and it never works out, ever. Then right when I am about to give up(or maybe already have), or don't know what else to do it just gets dropped right in my lap. I am always so amazed how things always work out-maybe not the way you want-if you just have faith. I honestly can't even begin to remember how many times this has happened to John and I in this first year...and I am so grateful for it.


Laura Stringham said...

I am so happy for you! I totally know what you mean about the Lord's time table, we are all functioning on it, like it or not. At least he takes care of us :)

Anonymous said...

I totally know what u mean about the Lords time!! I feel the same way sometimes!

Lynda/Mom said...

Congratulations! I hope you love the new job. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it. I can't believe you like going to the dentist, but it is good to take care of your teeth which many people don't do.

Jenny R said...

Congratulations! I hope you really like the new job.